Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Environmental sustainability under the spotlight

The occasion of World Environment Day this Saturday June 5 has been a catalyst for increased discussion concerning environmental sustainability in relation to 2014 World Cup and Rio 2016 preparations.

Overall, there are already 86 ‘environmental’ projects approved and underway as part of 2014 Cup planning, according to the federal government´s special World Cup Environmental Chamber: 12 of these involve stadia, 53 urban mobility, 14 airports and seven involve ports. These incorporate investments of over R$24 billion, most of this falling within the local and state government spheres. Furthermore, additional Rio 2016 projects are also in the planning.

A key area of debate centres on whether the federal government should now provide special tax incentives for such projects to ensure their timely completion and adherence to specific standards, plus to encourage additional initiatives. The federal and state governments are also currently addressing environmental licensing procedures and how the projects will be regulated.

On a more specific note, calls for world-class water saving and reuse technologies in all stadia and other relevant event infrastructure are getting louder, as the country looks to ensure that its fortunate position as the world´s main holder of potable water (13%) is taken advantage of and not left vulnerable to negative PR and media coverage.

For the 2014 Cup, although all stadium projects are still at best in the early construction phases, the designs have incorporated some type of water strategy, some more sophisticated than others, and it is now Brazil´s tourism infrastructure, namely its hotel and accommodation sector, that is drawing the attention of environmental groups and commentators. In particular, the existing lack of formal requirements governing water use by accommodation providers is currently under the spotlight, given that this will be one of the most noticeable signs of environmental sustainability for the millions of tourists flooding into the country over the coming years.