Monday, February 14, 2011

Super committee to advise on Rio major events legacy

Rio de Janeiro´s mayor Eduardo Paes is to form a new group of 20 advisors to analyse projects for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics in the city and make suggestions as to possible improvements. The full make-up of the body is yet to be announced.

The City Legacy Council, of which Paes will be president, will meet three times a year to discuss the heritage the two major events will leave for the city.

UPDATE: Initial members include Felipe Góes (Municipal Development Secretary of Rio); Bernardo Carvalho (President of the Rio 2014/2016 Company), Sergio Besserman Vianna (President of the Council´s Sustainable Development Chamber); Sérgio Magalhães (President of the Rio chapter of the Brazilian Institute of Architects); José Luiz Alquéres (President of the Commercial Association of Rio de Janeiro); Rogério Chor (President of the Association of Directors of the Real Estate Industry); Rosiska Darcy (President of the NPO "Rio Como Vamos"); and businessmen João Paulo Diniz and Paulo Ferraz.